Sunday, October 31, 2010


Myth 1-   After hearing about Robert Johnson selling his soul to the devil some question if it really can happen.  Legend has it that Robert had disappeared one day and when he finally returned he was a wonderful guitar player. While Robert was gone he had sold his soul to the devil in order to play the guitar. The catch was that the guitar could never leave him. Even if Robert tried to get rid of it the guitar would find its way back to Robert.  Robert Johnson eventually realizes he made a mistake and tries talking to the devil but the devil does not help.

Myth 2- Most legends can be false. For example, people believe that Ozzy Osbourne intended to bit the head off a bat during his concert. This is false because Ozzy thought he was bitting the head off a rubber bat. He realized something was wrong when he felt blood going down his chin and when he had a really bad after taste.

Myth 3- One of the most famous myths is Abbey Roads death. Abbey had got into a car accident on November 9, 1966 and the impact killed him. This left the Beatles the question of what to do. They decided to find an Abbey look alike so nobody would actually know he had passed away. When their new album came out questions began. In the album cover Abbey is dressed all in white symbolizing death. The car’s license plate says 28IF meaning that if if he were alive he would be 28. Many then began to figure out that Abbey had passed away and that the Beatles got a replacement.

Myth 4-One myth that many are unhappy about is Bob Dylan going electric. Bob was great acoustic player and people loved to hear him. He had decided to go electric at a festival and his fans were not happy about the choice.

Myth 5- Some believe Elvis Presley is dead but some do not. The ones that do not think this is because there have been many sightings of Elvis in stores or just walking around. They also think he is alive because on his grave stone his name is spelt wrong. Instead of spelling his middle name, Aron, with one “a” it is spelt with two. However, just because there are sightings so believe he actually is dead.

MLA Format
Myth 1- 
Scotese, David W. "Robert Johnson." The Mudcat Discussion Forum. Web. 01 Nov. 2010.
Myth 2-
Jamieson, Alastair. "Ozzy Osbourne Describes Biting Head off Bat - Telegraph." - Telegraph Online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph - Telegraph. Sept.-Oct. 2009. Web. 01 Nov. 2010.
Myth 3-
Polidoro, Massimo. "A Myth That Rocks: The Premature Death of Paul McCartney | LiveScience." LiveScience | Science, Technology, Health & Environmental News. 20 Dec. 2005. Web. 01 Nov. 2010.
Myth 4-
Shelton, Robert. "DYLAN GOES ELECTRIC The Newport Folk Festival." New Page 1. Web. 01 Nov. 2010.
Myth 5-
Fan, Elvis. "IS ELVIS DEAD OR ALIVE ???" Free Webpages - The Fast, Easy and Free Way to Create Websites. Web. 01 Nov. 2010.

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